The following is an excerpt from The Long Road Home by William F. Robertson, as told to J. B. Nicholson, Jr.:
All through the years, the Queenston Street assembly had been growing in number. The original one hundred and fifty oak chairs - that had caused me to wonder if we hadn't overestimated - were filled, and more. By the year 1959 there were over 250 in fellowship. At the Lord's Supper every nook and cranny was occupied; chairs were placed on the platform, in the aisles and back rooms.
Although the Pelham Road facilities had been available for some time and were used for Sunday School and the Gospel, there had been some reticence on the part of the Lord's people to start a new testimony there; they were too happy together. There was some discussion regarding a larger building to accommodate the whole group.
However, we believe by the Spirit's direction, it was decided to branch out and start the new assembly on Pelham Road.
In October of 1959 the elders met in a room at the Queensway Hotel. After dinner, we spent a long time on our knees in prayer; there was a discussion following concerning which elders would go with the new work to form a nucleus of the oversight. These brethren were: Stanley Booth, Leslie Dockstader, John Funk, and Boyd Nicholson. Three additional brethren were recognized and began to meet with the Pelham Road oversight at that time: Gordon Bye, Walter Gosney and James Pirrie.

A few nights later the Christians assembled for the farewell meeting. Brother John Funk acted as secretary and I, as chairman. As the names were called, each family or individual declared their exercise by taking their place on one side of the auditorium or the other. This prevented the sheep from wandering back and forth once the two assemblies were established. About 94 believers decided to move to the Pelham Road Gospel Hall. Since that time, it has been the policy of the area assemblies to maintain the use of letters of recommendation even between ourselves in order to guarantee a consistent and happy fellowship here.